Simplify Your Mom Game: Ways to Save Money & Time #Sponsored
Finding ways to make mommying easier is a life goal of mine. I want to waste less time cleaning and organizing and cooking and dictating and driving all kinds of people to all kinds of places so I have...
View ArticleEveryday is Mother’s Day. $200 Amazon Giveaway #HappyMamas
Mother’s Day was Sunday. Tomorrow, my birthday. End of the month, anniversary. May is be-really-nice-to-Amanda-because-you’re-off-the-hook-for-basically-the-rest-of-the-year month. And, honestly, my...
View ArticleHow to Potty Train a Puppy. #Giveaway
Welcoming a fur baby into your home is nearly as stressful as welcoming a human baby. There will be crying, and night wakings, and a really long adjustment period wherein you will probably have poop...
View ArticleT-Shirt Tuesday. Abraham Lincoln Says Broccoli Bad #Giveaway
We are huge history buffs over here. Okay, by we I mostly mean The Dudes. I’m more of a live-in-the-present-lets-watch-reality-shows-girl myself. They watch the History Channel the way other kids...
View ArticleSummer Safety Tips for Families + Win a Car Seat! #giveaway
Probably you’re rushing about right now trying to coordinate your kids’ red, white, and blue outfits, making sure your potato salad is on point, and that you have enough sparklers for tonight’s big...
View ArticleT-Shirt Tuesday. The Flag Shirt. #giveaway
Hello America, we love you! And, not many things proclaim that more strongly than The Flag Shirt. Side story, I moved to Germany in the early 90s with my parents. I was like 13. The Berlin Wall had...
View ArticleBack to School #Giveaway & A Vlog Just Because
The last minutes of summer are killing me. So much to do, so little time. And already we’re heading back to school. We didn’t have nearly enough days spent in jammies. I didn’t clean out or organize a...
View ArticleBack to School ABC + Sol Republic #Giveaway
School is back in session in our neck of the woods on Monday. Gaaaahhh. Hold me. And then, step up out of my way because I’ve got a to do list that’s a mile long. The ABCs of Back-to-School: 26 Tips...
View ArticleHappy Thanksgiving! Eat Turkey, Win a $50 GameStop Gift Card.
Gifting season is upon us. Dude 3 spent his snow day composing his always compelling letter to Santa where he asked yet again for actual magic to occur in our home. His letter went something like, Dear...
View ArticleYou Can’t Have All of the Cookies, But You Can Eat at Outback Steakhouse
They say it takes at least 21 days to create a habit. A healthy one at least Based on the past 10 I’m gonna say it’s will take me way longer than that to create the not-eating-all-of-the-cookies habit...
View ArticleSimplify Your Mom Game: Blind Cord Safety + A $500 Giveaway!
When Smith and Noble reached out to me about doing a sponsored post on window covering cord safety I had a few initial thoughts: I don’t need to worry about childproofing any more because my kids are...
View ArticleI Never Remember Anniversaries, But I’m Always Down for a Party
I have been blogging for 6 years. Six full years of you coming here and reading about me and The Dudes and life and how to dress and where to shop and what to do in the summer when your children are...
View ArticleEveryday is Mother’s Day. $200 Amazon Giveaway #HappyMamas
Mother’s Day was Sunday. Tomorrow, my birthday. End of the month, anniversary. May is be-really-nice-to-Amanda-because-you’re-off-the-hook-for-basically-the-rest-of-the-year month. And, honestly, my...
View ArticleCar Seat Safety & Other Summer Travel Tips (Giveaway)
I consider myself a generally cautious and relatively safe person. I try to stay informed on current events (like TORNADO WARNING run to the basement!) and up to date on best safety practices (rear...
View ArticleHoliday Happiness: Gift Ideas for Dudes.
So, the holidays are right upon us. Black Friday is less than a week away! Which means you need to get your holiday gift lists in order A-SAP. Or, you need to withdraw all of the cash from your savings...
View ArticleDude Approved Holiday Gift Guide for Kids. Giveaway!
Ready to get your holiday win on?! One lucky reader is going to win all of the gifts donated to this year’s Dude Approved Holiday Gift guide for kids. Join me as I Price-Is-Right them for you. Super...
View ArticleHow to Potty Train a Puppy. #Giveaway
Welcoming a fur baby into your home is nearly as stressful as welcoming a human baby. There will be crying, and night wakings, and a really long adjustment period wherein you will probably have poop...
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