Mother’s Day was Sunday.
Tomorrow, my birthday.
End of the month, anniversary.
May is be-really-nice-to-Amanda-because-you’re-off-the-hook-for-basically-the-rest-of-the-year month.
And, honestly, my family does a pretty great job of rolling out the red carpet for me. Sure, it’s got dog hair on it and maybe a little puke from like two winter’s ago when we all got a wicked, unbeatable case of norovirus, but it’s there, and they got it out all by themselves, and that’s really all that matters anyway.
I used to not think I deserved any special treatment during my Mother’s-Day-birthday-anniversary-month-a-thon, but I’m over that now. Because totally I do.
We all do.
Moms are always giving, giving, giving. Sacrificing our minds, our bodies, our personal hygiene, our shoe fund to basically be the super heroes for our families. Not because we’re expected to, not because we have, but because we want to.
So, when my kids want to halfway bake me a cake and make me a badly folded card featuring all of the glitter in the house or declare a no cooking-cleaning-whining-complaining day in my honor, I’m going to let them. Even if I know they’re gonna make me choke down that Salmonella pie right in front of them and that they will be moaning about something everything before lunch is served (it seems that the harder they try to not whine or complain or ask me to find their socks, the more they seem to do it), I’m going for it anyway. Because it’s the thought that counts, and I just might be able to squeak out a single lonely shower sans door banging before the nonsense restarts.
Plus, I want The Dudes to appreciate the things that I do for them, not only because I like being appreciated, but because I want them to know what a good mom and wife should be like. I want them to set high standards for themselves in that category, because they deserve someone special, and just keeping it real here, so do I.
I need my future daughter in laws to be amazing women who will love me like a mother and take me shopping and say I’m pretty and let me spend all of the time I want with my well behaved, freakishly adorable future grandkids.
I won’t be pestering or meddlesome or judgmental or demanding. I promise to not call, text, and email on the same day, and to only give them really good ideas on how they can do things better when I’m visiting. I will even refrain from digging through their bathroom cabinets when they’re actually home.
See that? SACRIFICES. gets it. They know how super moms are and they want to remind you (us, the world) to celebrate moms every day, not just on the one Sunday a year when it’s sort of required.
To get you and your family in the celebrate-mom-for-being-amazeballs mood, is hosting an awesome giveaway for superhero moms! Hop over and take their SuperheroMom Quiz to see what kind of a mom hero you are (me? I’m Cat Woman because I look amazing in a leather onesie am fun, and energetic, and positive, and did I say fun?!) then enter the Mother’s Day Giveaway (it lasts ALL month) for a chance to snag a $500 Sephora gift card and other fun prizes.
Also, in honor of all of the Happy Mamas we know and love, we are hosting a Happy Mama’s Mother’s Day Should Be Everyday Giveaway here too! Team Happy Mamas is hosting $200 Amazon giveaway so you can buy a Kindle and an ebook or two and then hide in your bathroom from your kids while you read. Or whatever you can get for $200 that will float your boat.
Now, enter this giveaway and then go tell your kids you wanna play hide and seek so you can take a nap in the bathtub.
The post Everyday is Mother’s Day. $200 Amazon Giveaway #HappyMamas appeared first on dude mom.