Finding ways to make mommying easier is a life goal of mine.
I want to waste less time cleaning and organizing and cooking and dictating and driving all kinds of people to all kinds of places so I have more time for eating cookie dough while my kids are at school soaking up these young family moments that are rushing away from me.
I suck at all of that housekeeping type stuff anyway. I’m a terrible cleaner, I don’t like to cook, driving stresses me out, and the only thing remotely organized around here is my disorganization. It’s as creepy as it sounds actually.
Recently I was contacted by this awesome online site called mySupermarket. Consider them the over-worked, on-the-go, budget-conscious-frugal-living-interested, trying-really-hard-but-still-slightly-disorganized mom’s shopping sidekick.
Wait, what?
Let me break it down for you… mySupermarket is an online marketplace that presents shoppers with the lowest priced household and grocery type items at a number of online retailers. Basically, when you want to find the cheapest place to buy toilet paper for your snow day stockpile, you log on, search the site and they come back to you with the item you want for the cheapest possible price . And, we’re not talking about dollar donkey grade TP, the sites they use are real (like Costco, Walmart,, and Target to name a few) and they give you access to all of the brands those retailers sale online. So, instead of you having to spend hours searching online deal sites while your toddler cries or clipping coupons while your toddler cries or going to each store to find your nonperishable pantry items and household essentials for cheap while your toddler cries, you simply let mySupermarket do that for you. And have it delivered to your house. No drama. No crying toddlers.
Imagine a life wherein you don’t have to buckle your moody toddler and your fussy infant into their car seats after three outfit changes and two meltdowns only to discover that someone lost a shoe and the baby had a blow out and the dog got out? WHO LET THE FREAKING DOG OUT?
Peace out to that crap. mySupermarket is quick and easy enough that, once you have an account set-up, you can buy your week’s worth of non-perishable groceries (and toilet paper, and dog food, and diapers, and that face cream that you can’t live without) while your kids play on your iPad nap. Cut down on your to-do list and relish in the fact that there is one less place you have to be at wearing a bra every week.
I want you to experience this awesome (scroll down for $75 giveaway).
I also want you to beef up your simply mom life arsenal. That’s why I reached out to my online mom homies for their best spend less, have more time, be awesomer mom tips.
Happy Human MOM Hacks: Ways to Save Money, Time & Effort to Simplify Your Mom Game
Make an appointment with the tasks you hate. And then don’t cancel it. Or obsess about it. “I make a list of tasks that I hate doing like filing paperwork or fixing my daughter’s hair bows. Once a week I tackle my list for one hour. I’m amazed at how much I can get done in one hour and it gets all those tasks that go undone since there is no deadline.” –Ally, Mom of 3, Twingle Mommy
Let the husband do the Target runs. “The one thing I’ve done recently to save money…. is to send my husband to Target for diapers. He goes on his lunch break and LITERALLY only picks up diapers and wipes. I have no self control there…. even though I justify everything I buy there….” –Jenny
Meal planning and grocery lists. They’re sort of a pain, but they’re also really kind of worth it when it comes to staying organized and saving money and making sure your kids eat more than McDonald’s to stay alive. You can read my post on how to meal plan to get started. –DudeMom
If you don’t use it, chuck it. I’m sort of a beauty product hoarder. Because, um, I’m not sure why actually, I just am. Under my sink is filled with bottles of half used products that I gave up on before I finished them. Waste of space (never mind the money I wasted). “I only have managed one thing and that’s not keeping ingredients in the kitchen that we don’t eat, not keeping hair/beauty products that I don’t need, not hanging onto cleaning stuff that I don’t use. Saves so much space. (The rest of the house is chaos.)” –Kim
Listen to Pinterest. Personally, 95% of the stuff I see on Pinterest is just for pretty. I know I’m not going to be able to pull it off and I rarely waste time trying. But, when it comes to certain topics, like being organized, Pinterest is actually inspiring in a way that results in action. Check out some of my favorite how to be organized pins for inspiration. –DudeMom
Now, ready to save to dolla dolla bills y’all?
Enter to win $75 to spend at mySupermarket now!
The post Simplify Your Mom Game: Ways to Save Money & Time #Sponsored appeared first on dude mom.