The last minutes of summer are killing me.
So much to do, so little time. And already we’re heading back to school.
We didn’t have nearly enough days spent in jammies.
I didn’t clean out or organize a single thing.
We only watched two movies on our old school movie list.
And, ice cream for dinner only happened once.
For some reason the ending of summer is eating me up inside.
And also bringing me sweet relief. To focus on work, and my house, and the dog who seriously needs an appointment with the vet and the groomer. And the gym, sigh, I so miss working out. I’ve gained 10lbs for sure.
I ache for time to care for these things. And for The Dudes to get another five weeks in my face.
I guess this is what bittersweetness feels like.
Anyway, to celebrate or commemorate or memorialize here’s a video with a few notes…
1. Future videos won’t be so long. Promise. Even I get sick of me after 6 minutes. But, they interrupt. More than once. Which I thought nicely proved my I-can’t-get-a-thing-done-when-they’re-all-up-in-my-grill point nicely.
2. I have other favorite products. For example, Kidecals. We label everything here because The Dudes are notorious for leaving their stuff in random places. And even if they’re looking dead at it, they will walk off and leave it lying there. Middle of the football field. So we get these labels made with our last name and slap them all over everything so they know that the tiger hoodie with the armpit hole is theirs, no questions asked. Also, I put them on their school supplies; lunch boxes, folders, glue bottles, all of that. Easy, peasy, confusion over.
3. There is a giveaway following the video in case you love the backpacks.
Two winners can snag a Dabawalla backpack, ARV $40. Just enter below.
The post Back to School #Giveaway & A Vlog Just Because appeared first on dude mom.