When Smith and Noble reached out to me about doing a sponsored post on window covering cord safety I had a few initial thoughts: I don’t need to worry about childproofing any more because my kids are all big and stuff, also everyone already knows those dangly cords are a no go.
Only, as per usual, I was kinda wrong (shhh, don’t tell my husband). On both points.
The Window Covering Safety Council, a group Smith & Noble partners with to help ensure the safety of their consumers and their families, reported that since 1990, more than 200 children have died via window cord strangulation incidents. These deaths are so preventable which mean that’s 200 children too many in my book.
And, it’s not just something parents of crib bound, toddling babies need to be concerned with.
Just last year, in my own state of Maryland, a six year was killed by a blind cord hanging from a window in her home.
A walking, talking six year old child.
I. Have. A. Six. Year. Old.
This is a thing.
A thing that parents, of even older children, need to understand fully so that they can protect them from this danger.
Here are some things you need to know about what you can do to prevent a tragedy like this from befalling a child (or a pet) you know or love.
Oh, and also, I have some Smith & Noble window treatments to giveaway to help make your home as gorgeous as it is safe!
Simplify Your Mom Game: Blind Cord Safety is Easy with Smith & Noble
1. Cord safety is a complex issue. Parents need to be concerned about the cords used to open and shut the blinds, but they also must be aware of the threat posed by the cords within the blinds. According to Smith & Noble, “Strangulation can occur when a child places his/her neck between the exposed inner cord and the fabric on the backside of the blind or when a child pulls the cord out and wraps it around his/her neck.”
2. Pets may fall victim to window covering cords as well. It is important that you secure cords with cord cleat or cord tensioners to prevent your pets from coming into contact with them, especially when you leave them home alone during the day. You know how Fido likes to look out the window and bark incessantly at the people walking innocently by? That could be annoying and fatal if you have dangly cords he could find himself trapped in while you’re away.
3. Do not place cribs, beds, or other furniture near windows that have blinds with cords. We don’t even use blinds in The Dudes’ rooms because they have sticky hands that ruin everything nice we know they like to climb on the bench and look out the window.
4. Think about installing a cordless window treatment. There are a number of window treatment options on the market today to help you make a safer yet stylish choice in window décor.
5. Retrofit your old window treatments and use available upgrades to help make them safer. Installing new window treatments may not be an option for you and your family right now, I get that, window coverings are EXPENSIVE. Fortunately, there are plenty of products to help make your current product safer. Smith and Noble can help you with a cordless upgrade if you own blinds that aren’t safe for your home.
In an effort to help make homes safer for youngsters, Smith & Noble is also offering DudeMom readers a $30 off one custom window treatment.
We’d also like to help make one family’s nursery or kid’s room a safer and more stylish place and to do so we have partnered with Smith & Noble to giveaway a $500 gift card so that you may purchase some gorgeous, safe, cordless treatments for your little human’s sleep space (or playroom, or wherever you think will help your kiddo stay safe)!
*Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Smith & Noble who are also providing product for giveaway.
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