Accessories are one of my favorite things about fashion.
They’re pretty, they’re fun, and they can actually make an outfit. Literally, make it.
They can add excitement and intrigue and awesome in a way that a pair of jeans or a new shirt just can’t. Pretty accessories are a must have for upping your style awesome.
A couple of years ago, when I did the whole What NOT to Wear thing, the day I taped the let-us-tell-you-why-you-suck-by-looking-at-images-of-us-stalking-you day I was wearing a bracelet that I’d been gifted by my bud, Angie at Seven Clown Circus.
It was a Twisted Silver bracelet and, because it was jangly, while I was filming, I was asked to remove it because it was making soooooo much noise (I’m a hand talker; I wave my hands around when I talk so I probably sounded like those Salvation Army guys in front of the grocery store at Christmastime).
I did. And, then, in the excitement of the day, I lost it in the big red couch.
When Twisted Silver heard about my loss, they were kind enough to send me some new ones!
Hooray for sweet people who make pretty things!
I reached out to them recently to help me celebrate another exciting moment in life: the birth of Dude Mom (okay, so changing the name of your blog is maybe not quite as exciting as say, getting a full, celebrity led style makeover on national TV, but still. It’s pretty exciting for my life these days!).
Because they are amazing, they sent me some to keep…
AND, a couple to giveaway to all of you!
The Kilter Bracelet ($40)…
And, the Equinox Bracelet ($40)…
Now, want to win some Twisted Silver of your own to rock?
Yes, of course you do, silly!
Leave a comment telling me about your favorite fashion accessory!
Two winners will be chosen (the first will pick, the second gets the leftover) after the contest closes 4/26 at midnight EST.**
Be sure you check out the rest of the week’s giveaways: Sweet Relish Travel Buddies giveaway, CreateMyWalls photo canvas giveaway, Modify Watches giveaway, Dude, Etsy giveaway.
*I received my sa-weet bracelets courtesy of Twisted Silver. They didn’t pay me to like them, heck, they didn’t pay me at all. Just a little bling sharing among friends!
**Contest open to USA addresses only. No purchase necessary, but if you want to buy something from Twisted Silver I’m sure they’d love it!
The post Mom Pretty Accessories. Twisted Silver Bracelets Giveaway. appeared first on dude mom.