When the best baseball team on the planet won the World Series last year, I found myself searching for something unique to gift my Dudes with that would last longer and be more awesome than a t-shirt, or a hat, or one of those felt pennant thingys (for the record, I hate those, never buy me one).
Google and fate led me to Modify Watches.
Immediately I fell in love. Because, duh, they had SF Giants emblazoned watches.
But also, they have silicone bands (which is kinda rubbery and cool), and they’re interchangeable (you can get a whole mess of bands to match your mood or, more importantly, your shoes!), and they’re dope.
Really, not another way to describe them.
The watches are largely gender neutral (sure, they have pink, but it’s sorta hard-core-Dudes-will-rock-this pink) and they make a glitter band (everything is more spectacular covered in glitter). Add to that the fact that they all have seriously awesome names (yup, they name every watch, like a puppy or a baby or, um, a hurricane.)
Our whole family loves them, and yeah, we all have one…
Don’t freak, we didn’t replace Dumb Dude Dog, this is Mimi’s dog, so like, my dog brother?
Lucky for you with bad taste in baseball teams, you don’t have to be an SF Giants fan to love Modify. They have tons of other, non-best-team-ever related designs. See…
Everyone loves Tetris! (They have other designs too, but come on, TETRIS!)
Everyone who is dope at least. Although, honestly, getting a Modify Watch in your life will significantly increase one’s personal dopeness.
Just look at #3, that’s a lot of swag for a 5 year old…
And, also, he’s basically telling you that, if you get a Modify Watch you will most definitely be NUMBER 1. And, being number 1 is pretty much the same thing as being a super hero. Or a ninja. Or, a monkey. Because they are a little amazing too when you think about it.
You need to be as at least as amazing as a monkey. Or, um, something.
Which is why I’m giving a fancy schmancy Modify Watch of your own personal creation away! Because that’s just how we do.
Now, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me which one you want (you can see all of the Modify Watches on their page). Face and band color please, just because I like to know what you people think is amazing. Don’t get too crazy with it, it’s not a contract, and if you win, you’re totally allowed to change your mind.*
Want to get in on this Wordful Wednesday action? Go ahead and leave your link, then head over to Angie’s Seven Clown Circus, before you check out this week’s featured linkers!
This week’s featured links include the perfect birthday dress for a little lady, an awesome family photo snapped on Easter, an awesome post about T.S. Elliot, or weather, or family, or all of those things and other things I really loved, and the cutest little gnome on the planet!
*Contest is open to people in the USA only and closes 4/24 @ midnight EST. One winner will be selected to win a single Modify Watch of their choosing. Go ahead, get happy!
The post Wordful Wednesday. Dope Watches for Awesome Humans. *Giveaway! appeared first on dude mom.