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Dude Approved Holiday Gift Guide for Kids. Giveaway!


Ready to get your holiday win on?!

One lucky reader is going to win all of the gifts donated to this year’s Dude Approved Holiday Gift guide for kids.

Join me as I Price-Is-Right them for you.

Super Cool Art

art gifts for kids

The artistic gift that keeps on giving!  Sure, you can run out of paper and your colored pencils can get all stubby, but the stencils they send in this super cool art kit will last through all kinds of out of this world art projects.



For kids who like to get their build on and Skylanders.  Megabloks is all of that and a bag of chips.  A big bag of chips that you can enjoy while you spend your whole Saturday morning in your jammies trying not to curse as you help your five year old construct them.  And, by help I mean you will put it together while he dances around in his undies singing Jingle Bells, the Batman Smells version, at the top of his lungs.  All in the name of kid fun!

Spot It! Party from Blue Orange Games & Knuckling Knights from Haba

boad game giveaway

Personally, I have a love hate relationship with board games.  I love when my kids play them quietly, I hate when they make me play with them.  Because they fight, and cheat, and cry, and cheat.  Both of these games fall into the love column.  #3 has the original Spot It! game and he carries it around in his bag-of-things-he-carries-everywhere and plays it all by himself (made up modified rules of course).  And, who doesn’t love a game with a big castle shooting out of the game board?

Last but not least, I have a super secret special gift cough-Target gift card-cough to giveaway that you can only win if you subscribe to Awesomeness! the DudeMom-made weekly monthly occasional newsletter.

Happy Holidays and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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