It’s been ages since I’ve done a Stuff Dudes Like post for you.
Not because I haven’t been buying things dudes like (I’m pretty sure that, since it’s summer, the amount of dude related expenditures have actually increased); it’s just that I’ve been so busy making summer awesome for them that I’ve had little time to report back on stuff that is helping me do that.
But, I’m ready to hook you up now.
Starting with some summer Dude fashion.
We live in a place where the shopping options within spur-of-the-moment shopping distance are disappointing at best.
But. We did get a new kid clothing store that actually doesn’t make me want to kick something. It’s P.S. from Aeropastale.
And they have awesome graphic tees that make me smile (and a bunch of superhero type ones the little Dudes adore too)…
Mustache AND a gold tooth? Winning!
Also on the awesome dude fashion front:
Multi color Vans for kids…
A graphic shirt with a proclamation that is actually worth, um, proclaiming for smart kids..
And, mustache adorned glasses for awesome people…
Although, in fairness to him and his uncanny ability to grow facial hair at a young age, his real mustache is more impressive than this one. I mean seriously, he’s only 4 and he grew it himself. I’m 88% sure that he will start middle school like a boss with a full on Tom Selleck.
Chicks will dig him. They already do.
Also awesome at Casa de Dummies?
Legos. I have to admit I am not a huge fan of those overpriced Lego sets you get bamboozled into buying every holiday season. They’re lame because they cost a bunch of dollars, kids can’t really build them by themselves until they are like 15 and over it, and once they trick you into spending an afternoon putting them together for them (while they eat snacks and mostly ignore you) once, they chuck the directions, break them apart, and the pieces immediately regress to being a bunch of tiny, faceless, nameless Legos like all the rest. So, remind me again why they are $99?
But ever since Handmade Lego Table of Awesomeness was born they play with them daily and I love it because it’s like the one no-TV-related activity they enjoy that is relatively quiet and doesn’t always end in a punched throat.
Sardines. It’s a funky memory board game by Djeco. Awesome mostly because it’s one of the only games the three of them can play together without anyone resorting to cheating to make up for the fact that they all can’t yet read. We are testing this (and a bunch of others) thanks to our friends at Dancing Bear Toys (they don’t sell online, but if you ever come to Frederick, Maryland you must visit them, right after you visit me of course) and we are so thankful that they are helping us unplug a teeny weeny bit this summer.
Fathead. The mural people. #1 is going through this whole I’m-about-to-be-a-teenager-and-I-want-to-act-like-it-when-I’m-not-being-a-total-baby phase so we are redoing his room a bit to reflect this transitional period in his life. I wanted to get him the Avengers mural because Thor is hot, but he wanted to go with the Wayne-Rooney-makes-the-most-awesome-bicycle-kick-goal-scoring-move-in-a-game-ever soccer mural instead.
It looks awesome on his wall and he loves it, just like he better. The fact that he’s happy with it slightly mitigates the fact that, in the application of said mural, I got elbowed in the face twice, bumped my head on the footboard of his bed, and banged my funny bone on the door jam more times than I can count. The Dudes were exposed to some colorful language and I smelled like a Saudi Arabian donkey (do thy have those?) when all was said and done.
Please note, only one mom was hurt during the awesome making of this bedroom. Also note, the mural itself is NOT hard to apply unless you are like us and trying to get it up in a suddenly-small-when-filled-with-two-sweaty-grownups-and-3-loud-dudes room. Otherwise, I’m sure it’s a breeze.
Want a chance to win a Fathead wall graphic for yourself?
You’re in luck because I’m giving one away!
You too can bring an awesome, officially licensed sports or entertainment graphic into your crib to make your friends jealous and up the awesome of your kid’s room. Or their playroom. Or even your bedroom if you have a thing for sweaty, yoked up athletes because they have photo wall graphics and artsy type things too!
Just leave a comment telling me which Fathead you’d love to have grace your walls and you will be entered to win one (up to $99)!*
*I received a Fathead to hook up #1’s room courtesy of the peeps at Fathead. They would love to send one of you one as well. Just make sure you comment by 7/31/12 at midnight, live in the USA, and are over 18. Them’s the rules.
The post Stuff Dudes Like: Stylish Duds, Fun Board Games, & Dude Room Makeovers. appeared first on dude mom.